Welcome to AzNate's Tech!

AzNate's Tech
Welcome! Please select the website you want to visit.

Retro Tech Website: Best for older computers/browsers. Has some useful downloads and links for older PCs.
Modern Tech Website: Will not work well on older computers. Has info about my computer collection and a few other things about me and my tech.
AzNate's Tech Wiki: Will not work well on very old browsers. Has detailed info about my computer collection and my other tech.
AzNate's Roads: Will not work well on older computers. Has info about roads in the U.S. state of Arizona and is a showcase for most of my road-related pictures.
Website Status: Will not work on older computers/browsers. Has the status of my websites in case something isn't working right.

Made with Microsoft FrontPage Made with Windows
Last updated: 3/12/2023